Who is Reiki Teddy?

  Reiki Teddy - The Story

One Christmas I was given a teddy bear, and I still remember very clearly seeing him in a box with a red ribbon around his neck. He was soft and cuddly and as a young child from that day he was never out of my sight. He was brown and soft, and I would cuddle him close to my heart every day – and his name was “Cuddles”. He resided on my bed, and every night he would be tucked up beside me with his head popping out of the bed covers.

I was very shy and lonely as a child and was bullied at school. Cuddles became my confidant, many a night, as a teenager I would sob, cuddling him close. I do remember on the odd occasion getting incredibly angry and throwing his across my bedroom, but almost immediately would leap out of bed and grab him, apologise, and cuddle him close again. He always seemed to make things right for me.
As I got older, and travelled around Europe and America, he even came with me, hidden in my suitcase.
Many years later, though he had been retired to the shelf in the bedroom (I think my partner at the time thought it strange, as an adult, I was still sharing a bed with a toy), Cuddles was still always there for me. Later, when I had children, and they were poorly, Cuddles would come off his shelf and would snuggle down beside them – comforting them.
I was introduced to Reiki by my wonderful Reiki Master, who explained that we could use objects in which to send distant Reiki to. It is by holding the object in your hand your intention would be focused more and Reiki could flow through the object to where you intended the Reiki to go. She suggested a soft toy. I immediately thought of Cuddles. Many a night after being attuned to Reiki, I would sit on my bed and send Reiki, using Cuddles as my focus of intention.
When sending Reiki, I call on the Reiki symbols, drawing them either in my mind or physically with my fingers. I would hold Cuddles and send Reiki and healing to wherever and to whom ever had asked for healing. A client asked for Reiki at a specific time one day, and I knew I would not be available to do so. Knowing you can send Reiki out into the Universe and when a person is ready to receive they can tap into it, I “programmed” Cuddles by drawing the Reiki symbols onto Cuddles, almost as if I had “attuned” him to Reiki, and then set a time for the Reiki to be sent. That evening my client contacted me and thanked me for the Reiki healing that she had received. She explained she had felt an overwhelming feeling of love as well as healing.
Clients have asked me how they could receive and send Reiki healing, even though they had not been attuned to Reiki. This got me to thinking that if they had a Cuddles of their own, which has been “attuned” to Reiki, all they would have to do is sit with their very own Cuddles in their arms, and by using their own intention, could ask the bear to send the Reiki either to themselves or to where it was intended for. And so, Reiki Teddy became into being - people can have their own bear, attuned with the symbols of Reiki, and send or receive Reiki themselves. The bear can be given to someone, as a gift of love, and the person in return would receive Reiki, healing, and love whenever they needed just by holding the bear.

Reiki Teddy is based on the original Usui Reiki teachings.

Cuddles is well loved, and love is one of the greatest healers of all time. The combination of using Cuddles and Reiki for distant healing has been a real focus of my life for many years.


Cuddles turned fifty in December 2016, and though he is a little thread bear around the edges, he remains in surprisingly good condition. He still resides on my bed, and to this day, he is extensively used to send love, healing, and Reiki.

© Reiki Teddy 2023

© Julie-Sian 2023

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